Nature is an important part of Hitomi’s life. She is inspired by the green spaces near her studio in East London as well as her memories of nature in Japan.

Hitomi's creative process is a mesmerising journey of observation and imagination. As she strolls through the verdant scenery, she often crouches down to intimately examine the intricate structure of plants, feeling the textures and thickness with her fingertips. This tactile experience fuels her imagination, and when she returns to her studio, it seamlessly becomes part of her artistic thoughts. Her unique porcelain works are born from this beautiful fusion of observation, memory, and artistic vision.

For this short artist film, it was equally important to show Hitomi’s intricate process of making as well as the flowers in her mind. As filmmakers, our passion lies in fusing the tangible world of art-making with the intangible realm of creativity and imagination. We often embrace a documentary-style approach with each film, interviewing artists to fully understand their unique style and vision. By combining our knowledge in film craft, techniques and cinematography, we strive to bring their inner worlds to life.